Monday, January 09, 2006


13.1 Those of weak resolve and fickle affection will shed
the most tears on being separated from the one they
supposedly love. And they will be the first to turn
elsewhere for solace.
Those with true love will suffer the
separation in silence, for the image of their
loved one lying deep in their hearts will
nurture their spirit and provide them
with the strength to wait till they are united
once more.
13.2 Is there a deeper sorrow than that of the separation of a
child from its parents ? Or the lover from his love ?
Both rela­tionships are based upon one thing -
the selfless giving of one's entire self.
13.3 If thou art to be separated, then let it be quick like the
fall of a guillotine. To prolong the farewell is to put
thyself, as well as the farer on the rack;


Anonymous said...

Hi uncle!! i dunno if u've compiled this or it's your own work....but it certainly is "food for thought!!!" Gives one a lot to think about!!

Deepak Menon said...

Every thing on this blog is my own work except a joke or a couple of posts where I have said it is not mine

Anonymous said...

Just saying hello 2 both of u


Anonymous said...

It was really great going thru the website. Some of the poems are really good specially Sepertaion. Pl kep going.


Manish Tandon

Samir said...

Dearest pop,
Great going. You are the best poet and writer i know and ever will. Take care and keep on at it...
Lots of love,

Samir said...

Dearest pop,
Great going. You are the best poet and writer i know and ever will. Take care and keep on at it...
Lots of love,

Samir said...

Dearest pop,
Great going. You are the best poet and writer i know and ever will. Take care and keep on at it...
Lots of love,