Saturday, August 26, 2006

A TIME TO CLING TO ...A Poem by me

And a time to cling to and never let go
A time of which we have nothing to show
A time when in profound joy we lie low
A time of love, which we never out grow
A time of love welling up in joyous souls
A time to grapple inspiration to our souls
A time when love light over our world rolls
Our object of love becomes our single goal
Remember my friends very many perspectives
Colour this Earth where puny mankind lives
And here is where the glory of love lives
Ruling our destinies and Golden dreams gives
So be not ruled by the mind's sense and reason
Do not change your colors with every season
Never against your love commit any treason
Golden is the color of Eternal Love’s Season
Deepak Menon
25 Aug 2006


siddharth said...

it was refreshing deepak and the beauty was in the simplicity

siddharth said...

it was refreshing and the beauty was in its simplicity