Saturday, July 02, 2011

Virginia Woolf’s late essays by Trev Broughton - TLS
And once I retire - I think I will study Virginia Woolf immediately and try to understand what exactly was the "Stream of Consciousness" which was the hallmark of her writing ...


Honor Bright said...

Gee, mine too.

Catherine Armant said...

That was a special reading.

Thank you dear Deepak.

Take care.

Honor Bright said...

Interesting. Especially her thing for 'E's.' I've never read her before, so I suppose I should expose myself to her, but really, is there 'something in particular' she has written that you'd recommend?
Some of her literary sojourns with art, spoken of in the link seemed a bit contrived to me though.

Deepak Menon said...

Well - for starters you can read her book "Orlando" ...

Honor Bright said...

Were you fond of it Deep?

Honor Bright said...

Looks provactive catherine.

Deepak Menon said...

Orlando was a very different kind of book and perhaps was a reflection of the times and so I consider it a very literary work