Wednesday, July 04, 2012

Happy Independence Day to every American and everyone else in the world

To share in the celebrations which will be cheering the hearts of everyone in America, I am posting some photos of our trip to America - the beauty of America is celebrated by us here in India too and we wish them the happiest and most joyous 4th of July ever.
.                              Samir on his Graduation Day in Stanford with Abha and Deepak
..                             This is my great Internet friend Diana with me and Abha in
                              Stanford  - we had a wonderful day together
.  .                              Abha and me at Stanford's wonderful approach lawns
                               Our dearest friends RK and Sujata with us in Broadway N.Y.
.                     Such a wonderful song on the Broadway theatre mini screen behind us - so
.                                  I had a good dance with Abha amongst the crowd
.                               Tall young grownup Anurag & me at the Nashdaq, N.Y
                                  Dallas with Sudhanshu, Monica, Sumona & Ramona
                                  and my great friend of a decade Kathy the Professor
                                  of American Literature who flew down from Greenville
                                  Illinois to be with us - such a great first time meeting

 We went with Monica and Sudhanshu and the kids to a wonderful Safari place near Dallas - lots of fun and a wonderful experience - we also went to Billy Joe's Ranch and danced there.

.                                 SEATTLE -  Great city and wonders all around

.                                 Deepak at Alcatraz Prison Administrative building

.                                 On the way to Niagara we visited this MUST visit museum
                                  and got to know that Glass is more beautiful than virtually
                                  anything if properly crafted.
.                         Abha, Sujata, me and Gavy at the Lincoln Memorial Statue
                          in Washington
                           Strolling down the street of Carmel, C.A. on my Birthday
                           26th July with Abha
                           Gavy, RK,Sujata, Abha and Deepak at Niagara Falls
                           It is really a natural wonder of the world beyond compare
                          At the lone Cypress - Monteray C.C. this is the famous
                          TREE HUNDREDS OF YEARS OLD THEY SAY
                                                    I think this is one of the great Juniper trees Peter has
                          written about - it is on the famous 17 mile drive at Carmel/

                          Sam, Abha - Deepak


welcome to my sanctuary. -cbb said...


Deepak Menon said...

And it is a great country and every one we met was so nice and helpful, Carol - one day will will come to the Phillipines too

bennett ~ said...

Wonderful pictures! Thank you so much and I am glad you enjoyed your trip. Congratulations to your son on his graduation.


Deepak Menon said...

@ Beni - Glad you liked the pictures - in fact there are so many photos I have - but I felt that the best way to share your joy on 4th July was to share some special moments in your beautiful country with you,
@ all my friends - Sammy graduated in 2009 - but immediately was accepted for an Interdisciplinary Phd at Stanford - he had been into robotics and computers and was very interested in the functioning of the brain - so he chose understanding the coding of the brain with a view to developing an interphase between computers and the brain with a view to be able to help Paraplegics some day to move - he was awarded a Fellowship in Human Health a couple of years ago - which means that he works 18 hours a day and probably will complete his research in 2014 which is when we will come to the US and hopefully meet all my friends there!

Karol ..................... said...

Great pictures Deepak. Thanks for sharing them.. Congratulations to your son!

Peter P said...

Congratulations on your son's graduation and accomplishments, Deepak! Stanford is a wonderful school.

If I knew you were in the Bay Area, I would have invited you to Sacramento to visit our Vedanta gardens (seven acres). You look like you had a wonderful trip. Isn't the Monterey peninsula spectacular? I used to visit often (I grew up in San Francisco.) Did you go south of Carmel to the Point Lobos reserve?

Lin ... said...


Congrats to you son !!!

and Happy 4th of July to ((All)) !!

Carol Drumgoole said...

Deepak, Congratulations on your son's graduation! Thanks for posting the great photos of you and your family visiting the U.S. It looks like you are having a wonderful time. :)))

Deepak Menon said...

@ Carol, Lin & Karol as well as Peter - All your congratulations shall be conveyed to Sammy - I do hope the silly chap also posts a reply here - actually he is generally so busy - often I ring up at 3 PM Here which is around 3 AM in Stanford, and he is in his Lab doing some of the experiments he devises - I believe he will have run billions of permutations and computations before arriving at his PHd ha ha - of course keeping Dr. Johnson's views that anyone who sleeps before Midnight is a scoundrel, he is certainly not one - neither is his sister, she is generally roaming around Mumbai till the early hours of the morn ha ha
@ Abha - you are the only one who seems to be a Scoundrelle in my family.
@ Everyone - I think that I have to now put up the spelling "SCOUNDRELLE" to the Oxford, Websters, Chambers, Britannica, Random House and other dictionaries for inclusion as a new word in the English Language! This one is entirely invented by me. Will someone second me - it means "Female Scoundrel" !

Deepak Menon said...

@ Peter - Satshanti (Truth and Peace - How do you translate your ID, Peter?) :- We only had two months to be in North America - and had many places to visit - all dictated by Sammy and other family members and friends. On the west coast, Sammy drove us to Las Vegas, then we went for a day to The Grand Canyon, then LA where I met a friend from Dehradun and his wife and little son for the first time, and then we drove to Stanford via the old Highway along the pacific via Santa Clara and other very nice picturesque towns along the way. It was the very best drive we have ever had. And whatever he does - Sammy will make an excellent Taxi Driver.
On July 26th, my birthday, I had a dinner at midnight Charlotte - NC with my friends who had taken us all the way to Niagara in their car and back - we also went south till Raleigh, but not further. Breakfast at Charlotte, Lunch at Carmen - Sam had picked us up at Monterrey and took us all over the area to the extent possible - the 17 Mile drive was amazing - and then as the shadows lengthened we drove back to Stanford where the second cake was cut and we had dinner.
So that was that ha ha. I think we saw that huge tree you have posted - was it the Boa-bub tree?

Peter P said...

I don't know if this tree is called that. It is a Juniper tree, and is at Point Lobos - just south of Carmel. My parents had their honeymoon in Carmel in 1944 when it was a sleepy out-of-the-way artists' colony - not the tourist magnet it is now, but the town still has charm, yes?. :))

Deepak Menon said...

@ Peter : Check out the last two photos above in full screen - I think they are the ones you wrote about! And it was a pity that we had not met before - I have a friend in Sacramento and we went and stayed with him for dinner and the night before we drove to Eugene and Seattle along the west coast

Peter P said...

So close, yet so far away !! Good to know you have a friend here. Maybe you will return. :) Does he or she attend the Vedanta Center here? Maybe I know him. :)

Deepak Menon said...

@ Peter:- His name is Harmeet and he is a Sikh much younger than me - and I am sure he is not into spiritualism in any way - but in any case - when we come to meet Sammy - we shall definitely meet - Sacramento is quite close to Stanford!

Peter P said...

Sounds good. :)

Lola Blevins said...

Next time you are in California, come by Sacramento and then travel down Highway 49 to Gold Country (that's where I live). Amazing history and sights to see! Lovely photos! Happy day after 4th, in celebration of independence, and of interdependence as well!