Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Prisoner's Dilemma

I got this from my Phd Friend Maryam's facebook page - I am sure every one will be thrilled by this great example of Game Theory. Dont hesitate to read the entire article in Wikipedia


Honor Bright said...

I wonder does it 'happen really?'

Kathy Custren said...

I would think that it does happen, HB.

Deepak, thank you for sharing the Wiki article...very interesting. ;) ~ Blessings!

Honor Bright said...

And that they have algorhytym programs built into software to gauge it.

welcome to my sanctuary. -cbb said...

Thats interesting.
GOD bless dear Deepak,
So long... stay happy and forever young.

Deepak Menon said...

Thanks you so much my dearest friend, and you too must share in your wish for me so I wish that you remain as you ar forever and forever, Carol!
Ending with a heartful hug for you

Deepak Menon said...

And dear Rose - I am sure that they don't have any computer algorithm which can solve the prisoners dillemma because human nature does not always follow the obvious logical route - I just read the computer empasse where the a draw is easily obtained by not taking the obvious path of killing the opponents piece, and instead doing what is illogical to a computer - i.e. by moving one's piece to and from from one square to another untill the game is drawn by repitition of moves - the computer in this case took the route of killiing the oppononts picece without any loss and lost the game!
And that is what the prisoners dillema is all about!

Honor Bright said...

Ah but that 'is' finding the algorhtym my astute friend. A most delightful story and made there is a moral to it too.

I think there is.

I think it should be printed on the back of our shirts so people read it when we are waiting in lines. :)