Thursday, March 08, 2012


The year flying past - here are photos of significance - Holi Photos at Delhi - Serena was here - all the people in our complex had a rolicking time and even got the hosepipe out ha ha.
I put some photos of Dehradun where I had been with Abha and got the house shipshape. Kavita's wonderful kitchen garden merits attention. Ranga's wife the Professor of American Studies came on national TV in a talk with a Minister and the TV chap and we watched her discussions live from her house - that felt so so good. Went and met Afzal and Veenu and that is a pic of Veenu with her really very friendly and wonderful dogs - a Lab and that little Pug! More snaps shall follow - Praveen is improving slowly and we spend several hours with him and Punita and their son at their house - he can stand up now and is able to take a few steps with help and the stick. That is good news!


Nancy Miller said...

What a treat to share these photos of your friends and family, Deepak! It's an impressive kitchen garden, but those "puppies" in their snug vests was a favorite!

Catherine Armant said...

Thank you for the Photos dear Deepak.

It is very nice to have your News.

I agree : this Patio is awesome, and a perfect setting for conviviality. It looks as if it was a very hot day.

People faces are covered with Paint ! Smile.

Catherine Armant said...

Woah ! This looks like such a pleasant place to be.

Catherine Armant said...


Deepak Menon said...

@ Nancy - The doggies are so lovable - the Big one is a Golden Labrador and a perfect gentledog while the Little one is a Pug and once one gets around his pugnacious nature - he is very friendly. Veenu and Afzal are some of our oldest friends and Veenu's mother was one of my mothers childhood friends,
@ Catherine - That little kitchen garden produces all the vegetable they need throughout the year - and my friend Vinod Kala is the friend with whom I ran away from school to Bombay when we were in Class 9 ... we had been caught smoking ha ha ha ... He stopped smoking a couple of years go .... read all about our sojurn of almost a year in Bombay in my book - damn - have to sit all night from day after tomorrow to complete the book by 31st March - I promised that to my daughter .. damn again .. but promises are promises ... wish me patience and narrative excellence ...
@ Catherine and everyone - The pleasant place is the back patio of my house in Dehradun - just whitewashed and distempered in Jan - Feb and that is my sister sitting and enjoying the lovely sunshine

**Had Enough** said...

Oh please tell us more about your garden sometime. A whole year?

**Had Enough** said...

And the face painting-is that a celebration where you are

welcome to my sanctuary. -cbb said...

Lovely Holi indeed!