Friday, May 25, 2012

Tales of the Booga Dooga Land - Pickwick's Plan - My first Childrens Book

Cheers Everyone
The link to the preview is :-

copy and paste it into the address bar to go and see and comment on it
I am now well on the way of getting the first of my Children's Books published which is a relief to my friends and family since they were quite certain that I had become a slacker as soon as I left my bank ha ha
Well, I had been a slacker for the first 6-7 months and really enjoyed being one. Now the Illustrator - a very talented young art student from Serbia has been awarded the contract and the images are now being made - one is on the link too though it is still under revision - so hope to have it on Amazon and Createspace Bookshelfs by June end. I hope you all buy some copies - I think you will like them. Once again, the link to the Preview of the Book is :-
I have also pasted it on my facebook page - my ID there is only - so check it out there too and remember to write a very nice flattering and encouraging comment too so that I can get the inspiration to become even more foolhardy than I am at this time ..heee hee  hee
With  love from
the hon'ble House Husband Freelancer Deepak


welcome to my sanctuary. -cbb said...


Karol ..................... said...

Well, I'm not on Facebook, so I can't find you there, and I have typed in your link several times which led nowhere.
so how about entering the link so it can be clicked on. so I can visit Boga Dooga Land too.

Thanks Deepak

Pollyanna IsMyName said...

I cannot open this link deepak!

Pollyanna IsMyName said...

I would love to see the preview.

Pollyanna IsMyName said...

I went, I saw, I am excited and cannot wait to read your book Deepak.

Karol ..................... said...

This is what I get when I type this into my URL

No results found for

Deepak Menon said...

@ Dear Karol - I copied and pasted this link in a new window and it wend straight to the Preview .... never give up ... remember Hannibal .... so try again and here is the long one with the site open too

@ Pollyanna - You went and you saw AND I read the feedback questions you had answered - and I think that I am now going to post everyone's feedback answers on the Multiply - apparently it only lets the author see the feedback answers - so read the comment windows - and Pollyanna - you are such a true person - My lady of Dreams - thank goodness there are people like you who can fight for the dreams and imagination of our children!!
With love

Karol ..................... said...

Wow... what a great story. I agree that there is a little bit of childhood left in all of us. In fact, just enough to want to read your entire book. So, when it is out, let us know, so that I may purchase my copy. It looks like a real winner.
Raining cats and dog, now where have I heard that before? Enchanting.
Thanks for the link and Preview. Can you hear my applause?

Deepak Menon said...

@ Karol - thanks for that lovely comment - hugs sent for you - and will wait for your feedback comments too from the site page - and send me a mail too at so that I can send you all the links etc there - basically they are at after the preview or at
Take care and take a ride too ha ha (That is not sent in the context it is usually used in - smiling)

Deepak Menon said...

A couple of more feedback comments - and one is by Serena herself for a rare change!! She said that she was too busy to do the 5th question so she only gave a 4 Star rating ha ha ha. But she enjoyed the preview very much and of course she knows the story - she and Sammy were the one's I told the stories to at bedtime, and after they had gone to sleep with wonder in their minds - off I would go and write the story down just as it had been told. I am waiting to see what Sammy will write, now that he is grown up!
Tales of the Booga Dooga Land - Pickwick's Plan 4.5 Star Rating
Download Report

4 Star Rating Serena Menon May 27, 2012

Q. Could it be possible that mankind has lost its ability to dream of enchanted lands and adventure -
A. With the 24 hours in a day constantly falling short for most people, I think it’s safe to say that mankind genuinely doesn't have the time to dream these days. Books that can transport and transform our lives for those few minutes are definitely the need of the hour.

Q. Can the lost art of story telling be revived in the face of the electronic media barrage we face?
A, Books will never become redundant. Even with the overwhelming presence of new media and the Internet, tomes have and will always retain their place in the hearts and minds of avid readers. And especially for children, I doubt the joy of being read bed-time stories from their most colorful paperbacks will ever go out of fashion.

Q. Are story books more important sources of entertainment than other media? And why?
A, There really is no comparison. A film has the advantage of sound, dialogue and moving images. On the other hand, nothing animates the imagination like a few simple words can. I guess that's what keeps authors going too (because we all know publishing doesn't pay). They thrive on the fact that they can take the reader to this fantastical world on this roller coaster ride, by just putting down a few words. And most importantly, they know they have the gift to entertain.

Q. Does belief in fairy creatures and their adventures, help build strong character in children?
A, I can't vouch for that. But yes, it sure does help young minds think freely and out of the box. Fairy tales have long-lasting effects on kids. Apart from the 'morals', which books like these always sneak in subtly somewhere, the sheer joy of being introduced to a magical world, when real life is actually a battlefield of sorts, is unparalleled.
CHEERS!! This is a special comment!
5 Star Rating from - jasy2d May 26, 2012 - ( "She is the World Famous Author Jasmine D'Costa", author of "Curry is thicker than Water" and you can get one from Amazon )

Q. Could it be possible that mankind has lost its ability to dream of enchanted lands and adventure -
A, This made really good reading. congratulations to the authors imagination.

Pollyanna IsMyName said...

Thank you for letting us read the comments. Seems we are all on the same page!

Deepak Menon said...

Surprise surprise - One of Abha's two brilliant brothers - Alok - he handles law enforcement in the state of UP as the Inspector General of Police - has also actually read and placed a comment - and so has Abha's niece Megha - I am so happy.
I wonder who the Anonymous is - please reveal yourself if you pass this way again! EACH FEEDBACK IS FROM A DIFFERENT PERSON AND EACH REPLY IS SIMILAR - YET slightly differently put - I am learning with every feedback I receive - and thank every one who has taken the trouble to write a line here!!
Tales of the Booga Dooga Land - Pickwick's Plan 4.5 Star Rating
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5 Star Rating alok sharma May 29, 2012

Q. Can the lost art of story telling be revived in the face of the electronic media barrage we face?
A -the arT of interesting story telling has to revived to save us from becoming machines we live with for most part of the day when we are awake. the virtual dream world can be a good source of letting our desires of doing kiddish things be realised by the characters of the book. all the best Alok

4 Star Rating Medha Sharma May 29, 2012

Q. Could it be possible that mankind has lost its ability to dream of enchanted lands and adventure -
A -Yes,the enchanted lands and adventures are limited to the age of 10 12, beyond which the mankind(child) is forced to needs of life from a very early age. Moreover dreams need time and in today's world, people hardly have time. Even the kids today forced into tech gaming don't have time to dream for themselves creatively.

Q. Can the lost art of story telling be revived in the face of the electronic media barrage we face?
A -Again story telling and creativity have become a luxury for the running competitive world of today. I feel that story telling have changed the shape and is now turned to vedio story delivery. However if efforts are made, the art could be revived.

Q. Are story books more important sources of entertainment than other media? And why?
A -The story books are certainly more important source that are handed over from one generation to another. They are not just sources of entertainment but also the carriers of values, traditions and culture of an era.

Q. Q. Will friendship of the story book kind stand strong in the face of adversity in this changing world?
A -Yes, because they can be trusted and they accompany you in any condition and scenario. They have huge amount of knowledge and in the changing world when a person find himself alone in the crowd, the story books can not just support him but can sometimes also provide him answers to his questions.

Q. Does belief in fairy creatures and their adventures, help build strong character in children?
A -Yes, because children have a nature of associating with something or someone and habit of making role models. Not just the fairy creatures and their adventures guide them to the path of ethics and values, but also provide them a role model and have a belief that a person with values sooner or later rise high and have eternal peace and happiness

5 Star Rating Anonymous May 28, 2012

Could it be possible that mankind has lost its ability to dream of enchanted lands and adventure -
A -I believe that is true.

Q. Can the lost art of story telling be revived in the face of the electronic media barrage we face?
A -By the right person, I think it is possible.

Q. Are story books more important sources of entertainment than other media? And why?
A -I would say that reading out rates other sources of entertainment every time.

Q. Will friendship of the story book kind stand strong in the face of adversity in this changing world?
A -We can only hope.

Q. Does belief in fairy creatures and their adventures, help build strong character in children?
A - If there is a moral component to the adventures it should

Deepak Menon said...

And now we have with us a wonderfully and carefully considered feedback by good old Swapnil who has shown maturity beyond her years ... here is the feedback she has given on the site - nice of her and she proves that she is not only a copy and paste artist - but can actually think on her own and write original thought instead of copied thought!
Thank you Swapnil - I learn a lot about the thinking of the audience for my books, from these feedbacks.
Tales of the Booga Dooga Land - Pickwick's Plan 4.5 Star Rating
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5 Star Rating Swapnil Agarwal May 30, 2012

Q. Could it be possible that mankind has lost its ability to dream of enchanted lands and adventure -
A. I would call it lost but gone dormant. This ability is rekindled by amazing stories and fairy-tales like this one!

Q. Can the lost art of story telling be revived in the face of the electronic media barrage we face?
A. Why not? Though its a bit tough to divert people back to hard copy reading, great works always find readers' attention.

Q. Are story books more important sources of entertainment than other media? And why?
A. I dont think it would be an apt comparison as story books have their own charisma of swaying the reader away into his own imaginative world with his/ her unique perception. Other media generally presents pre-cooked world before the viewers which involves no efforts for imagining.

Q. Will friendship of the story book kind stand strong in the face of adversity in this changing world?
A. It can, if reading habit is developed and nurtured in people right from childhood and school days.

Q. Does belief in fairy creatures and their adventures, help build strong character in children?
A. It would depend on what the child is getting impressed by. If the Hero impresses him/ her, he/ she would develop a hero-like good character. However, there are some children who are fascinated by the power of demons and evil too. They imbibe those values and their character develops accordingly. So, readings should be accompanied by parental guidance for good character development.

Deepak Menon said...

And Abha's sister Dr Shobha Datta who it the heart and soul of her own Nursing Home where she has delivered more than a thousand children, has commented on the Preview - here are the comments and I am so so happy to receive them.
5 Star Rating
Q. Could it be possible that mankind has lost its ability to dream of enchanted lands and adventure -

Q. Can the lost art of story telling be revived in the face of the electronic media barrage we face?

Q. Are story books more important sources of entertainment than other media? And why?

Q. Will friendship of the story book kind stand strong in the face of adversity in this changing world?

Q. Does belief in fairy creatures and their adventures, help build strong character in children?

Deepak Menon said...

And remember Col Jos of the 7th Grenadiers - his son Nikhil Jos has seen the preview and posted this very interesting feedback - I think this is going to be a treatise for the Behavioral Science Expert - Abha - who will have to really study the feedback from every one and publish her findings in a journal!
4 Star Rating Nikhil Jos June 09, 2012

Q. Could it be possible that mankind has lost its ability to dream of enchanted lands and adventure -
A. Yes it has. Life nowadays isnt as laid back as before. Its not about knowledge or being wiser, its about results. Technology is providing all comforts but killing the fairytale dreams. Kids are affected the most as they turn to couch potatoes than an outdoor naughty kids.

Q. Can the lost art of story telling be revived in the face of the electronic media barrage we face?
A. It can be as technology breaks all the barriers across land. But there should be a filter that can be built in the electronic media showing what is appropriate for the age group logged in.

Q. Are story books more important sources of entertainment than other media? And why?
A. As you mentioned the kid in a person never dies. But its forced to with lifes pressures. In past, books & movies were all about stories & morals. Its more of showoff & playing on peoples emotions. Today, everyday feels the same office & home. If each-one doesnt get a push, everyday will feel the same. Each one needs to be lost with himself for a while. Stories let them do so.

Q. Will friendship of the story book kind stand strong in the face of adversity in this changing world?
A. Yes. Stories make everyone feel happy and they get some time to be with themselves. So they will feel contended and a hope will develop to look out for the next day. Which is necessary as everyday looks the same if one doesnt have a hope.

Q. Does belief in fairy creatures and their adventures, help build strong character in children?
A. They do as every kids associates themselves with super heroes or story characters. They imitate and portray them. Hence its important to feed them a positive character there.

Deepak Menon said...

Just received a really wonderful feedback on the preview of my Book from Vicky- he is Harish Manchanda's son now grown into an outstanding young man - he completed his graduation in Law and is now an expert on the "Right to Information" Act of India and has already been appointed as a retainer on the RTI act by some big corporates! His feedback is even more memorable because he has shown a great depth of understanding of the minds of people - specially children.I got the feedback report from my publisher and I am pasting his feedback for every one to enjoy :-
Tales of the Booga Dooga Land - Pickwick's Plan
Download Report recd on 25th June 2012

5 Star Rating Vivek Manchanda June 25, 2012

Q. Could it be possible that mankind has lost its ability to dream of enchanted lands and adventure -
A. I don't think that us humans have any power over or can control the dreams that are projected by the human brain. To believe in the same, however, is in one's hand. If mankind has lost its ability to dream of enchanted lands and adventure, Harry Potter wouldn't have grown up to be 17. :)
Q. Can the lost art of story telling be revived in the face of the electronic media barrage we face?
A. The pleasure that one finds in reading a book cannot be compared to straining your eyes on the computer screen, or the ipad, or the laptop, or the tablet, or the kindle, or the bla bla bla.
Q. Are story books more important sources of entertainment than other media? And why?
A. Books are evergreen. They are always in demand. They are never outdated or out of fashion. An avid reader finds an ineffable joy to read printed and written words to satiate his/her knowledge. A book is our best companion. It gives us knowledge and pleasure and is our best friend in our loneliness.
Q. Will friendship of the story book kind stand strong in the face of adversity in this changing world?
A. Will we ever achieve sustainable development?
Q. Does belief in fairy creatures and their adventures, help build strong character in children?
A. I think it nourishes their emotional development and stimulates their imagination, and fosters natural curiosity.