Wednesday, August 24, 2005

Is that not the most wonderful flower?

This is a Hello from Deepak

Thursday, August 11, 2005

The Nod - A Poem by Deepak Menon

We met again ....

An age had passed,
Nay, a thousand ages,
Since your love did wane.

Time had not dulled or stilled
The inflections of your voice,
Echoing in my brain

You stepped out of the coach
As serene as on the day you left,
Looked at me casually, without shame.

Your stranger's face overlapped
Your image, which since you left,
Had in my heart lain.

Waking me from my sleep of ages
As your face, nodding politely,
My sorrow did forever drain.

The thousand ages, there ended
With that indifferent nod.
I boarded my train.

Yet, remained a subdued longing
For the age, now forever past,
A bittersweet pain.

We never met again .....

Thursday, August 04, 2005

THE LOTUS OF THE DESERT A poem by Deepak Menon

As I walked along the road, I spied
A little boy sitting, by its side.
His head was held in one tiny hand
With the other he scribbled in the sand.

I stopped and asked him why he looked sad,
He looked up and said he was feeling bad
That his parents had for him no time
Not even to read him a nursery rhyme.

He had for his company only toys
Which he shared with the other boys,
But no books had he with him to talk
When his parents went for a walk.

How he wished they could see his heart
Which had yearned for books from the start
BOOKS like he had often seen
In neighboring houses where he had been.

My heart went out to the little boy
Who had been deprived of tasting the joy
Of the wonderful world found only in books
Delicacies prepared by the finest cooks.

I took his hand and walked with him
To the stately mansion he lived in
And found it full of empty shelves
Empty heads caring for them selves

With not a thought for the hidden need
Of the little soul drying like a weed
Thirsting for knowledge not knowing where
To find it, because no one did care.