Monday, September 18, 2006

MAKE THE WILLOWS WEEP - a poem by me

. And what is that strange bird flying so fast
Staying ahead of us all from first to last?
Leading the multitudes to some obscure goal
And does the goal lie in the future – or in the past?
For most, the dark hidden future is the goal
Towards which they direct their chariots roll
But you, for whom the bird stopped long ere
Still long for the bells of the past to toll
But was the past for which you do aspire,
The lofty summit of your temple’s spire?
. As you do claim in your poem to the world
Or will the bird, prove you too - a liar!
For did you not drift away with the bird
For did you not ignore the cries you heard
. Of your eternal love of a moment ago
And why then did you return afterward
To this silent garden of the Eternal Sleep
Where the dust underfoot is the Eternal Keep
. Of one who remained clutching to the heart
The Memories which make the Willows weep
.................................................Deepak Menon

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