Tuesday, September 05, 2006


. . .By Deepak Menon
There was once a smile as sweet as honey
Yet it was wild as the sea
A smile that could set bells a ringing
The smile that you kept for me
An enigmatic smile it was at times
A smile at times lonely
A smile that brought cheer to my life
The smile that you kept for me
It was a smile that caused hearts to flutter
With envy and jealousy
When people saw it was not for them
The smile that you kept for me
A smile that brought out the best in me
Like courage and bravery
A smile that spurred me to greater heights
The smile that you kept for me
But time took its toll and it faded at last
As was never meant to be
And strained is that once beautiful smile
The smile that you keep for me


Anonymous said...

nice one,Deepak..
A smile can do!

Anonymous said...

Beautiful poem!! and yes i viewed as i promised i would.

From,Someone that appreciates words well written

Deepak Menon said...

And you remain anonymous to the day - yet must I thank you for the comment - and let the winds blow these words to the place where ever you are so that they fall like flowers to brighten your world awhile ..