Sunday, July 03, 2011

The Shakechilli in me says ....

There are so many things I want to do and so much has been left undone .. I think I shall be dabbling in many many things and they will include :
1. Completing my Science Fiction Novel - Lying dormant over the years - no time to think and complete it - around 100 Pages written
2. Getting my Children's Books Published - 4 Books completed and Copyrighted so far and lying dormant over the years because I never had the time to contact a publisher ha ha
3. Writing a sequel to "Lost Horizon" - still half done
4. Publishing two completed collections of Poetry
5. Writing another book of Quatrains - this time will get them published by an international publisher and also get my published book of poetry "Tamam Shudh" re-published (Tamam Shudh means 'All Pure' .
6. So far I have painted in water colour - rather difficult - so this time I shall paint one in "Oils" - lets see how it comes. And if I do manage to paint it reasonably well - I shall ask you to teach me how to paint in "Acrylic" too
7. Complete my book which is based on my own experiences when we ran away from home to Mumbai - in fact this one is the top priority because I promised my daughter that I will write it one day ..
8. Try to write articles for News Papers and Magazines - they need a new perspective to stop them from running down people all the time ha ha
And of course - Dance and sing and Make a CD too

They say that if wishes were horses - beggars would ride and of course there is also the story of the good Sheikh Chilli !!
Take care and keep writing - in fact because this is probably the first time I have actually put down on words what I think I will do after I retire .. I'll just post this link on my Face Book too
Take care everyone and keep dreaming ...


Honor Bright said...

It is good to see you enter this new phase and am excited by your prospects :)

Catherine Armant said...

Dearest Deepak,

I mean do take care, take care of ... business.

Even Hector does take care of business, ... in his own way. Smile.

Honor Bright said...

Hi Deep. Came back to ask you what a shakechilli is?

varsha nagpal said...

A good Plan, will surely be implemented. All the very best.

Deepak Menon said...

Ha Ha Ha - Shakechilli was a dreamer Rose ... and I misspelt his name ha ha - it is actually Long, long ago, there lived a simpleton whose name was Shaikh Chilli. Because of his stupid but innocent actions, he was popular among his friends. They enjoyed his company.
Look up Shaikh Chilli on the net .. and enjoy yourself ha ha ...

Deepak Menon said...

Thanks Varsha - good to see that someone agrees with me ha ha

Deepak Menon said...

Dear Catherine - I will surely try to remember that and will try to attend to the real world too instead of confining myself to dreams ha ha
Lots of smiles sent your way - all the way from Frankfurt

Honor Bright said...

Fascinating story, I 'am' going to study him a bit. I like him too, already. :)